Research & analysis
To minimise harm and maximise positive contributions to peace in conflict contexts, one must understand why these conflicts emerged in the first place.
The CS Hub produces research and analyses of conflicts/contexts with operational recommendations that help our clients better orient their interventions in a given area/sector. We:
- Design and develop tailored research and analytical reports from scratch;
- Synthesise existing research, reports, and analysis on the conflict context per programme type and province/territory;
- Write guidance notes on what this research means for programmes, policies, donors, and programme implementers.
Research that changes lives
Our context analysis of the situation in the far north of DRC (Beni) helped Concern successfully adapt their refugee project to engage both the displaced people and the host community, reducing potential tensions.

Capacity building
The CS Hub provides tailored training on conflict and gender issues that support our clients and partners in analysing conflict dynamics, assessing the impact of their work on these dynamics, and adapting their programs.
international and national nongovernmental organisations working in the DRC have already benefitted from our trainings
We offer three types of training:
- Basic training in conflict and gender sensitivity;
- Principles and practice of successful programming that takes into account the conflict dynamics and gender issues; and
- Management principles for teams and organisations implementing peacebuilding, humanitarian and development projects and programmes.
We also organise thematic and sector-specific training on conflict sensitivity in selected areas such as humanitarian aid and emergency response, education, health, food security, empowerment of marginalised groups, cash transfer, etc.
Technical support
We are convinced that a deeper understanding of conflict dynamics and gender issues should be mainstreamed in programming and at all organisational levels.
The CS Hub supports its clients and partners in finding and implementing tailor-made solutions to the specific challenges they face. This includes, but is not limited to providing assistance with:
- Designing and conducting their own research and analysis;
- Developing organisational strategies and action plans; and
- Developing and sharing tools for monitoring contexts and evaluating the impact of interventions on those contexts.
Thanks to CS Hub’s technical support, we can now carry out our own context analyses and adapt our interventions in the field… The conflict sensitivity approach is now systematic within IRC in DRC and has become an essential step before implementing any project.
Jessy Kapasi Mwamba
International Rescue Committee (IRC), Governance and System Strengthening Coordinator