Summary note of conflicts in the territories of Fizi-Minembwe and Uvira-plaine de la Ruzizi (February 2024)
The territory of Fizi is a decentralized administrative entity of the South Kivu province and is divided into five administrative sectors: Ngandja, Mutambala, Tanganyika, Lùlenge and Itombwe. Fizi territory shares border boundaries across Lake Kivu with Burundi and Tanzania, making it very strategic regionally. The territory of Fizi is inhabited by various communities including the Babembe, Babuyu, Babwari, Bagoma, Basanze, Bazoba, Banyindu, Bafuliiru, Bavira, Bashi, Barega, Bambuti (Pygmies), Barundi and Banyamulenge.
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About the Conflict Sensitivity Hub
Humanitarian programming should include an analysis of the contexts in which it occurs.
A center of excellence, reference and technical support for the integration of the approach and practicing conflict sensitivity.
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